Col. Shanon Anderson, 436th Airlift Wing vice commander, signs the Sexual Assault Awareness Month proclamation at Dover Air Force Base, Delaware, April 1, 2022. Anderson, along with other Dover AFB senior leaders, signed the proclamation to support SAAM in April. (U.S. Air Force photo by Tech. Sgt. J.D. Strong II)




512 AW News

  • Air Force releases guidance on use of cloth face covers

    To the extent practical, without significantly impacting mission, all individuals on Department of the Air Force property, installations and facilities are required to wear cloth face coverings when they cannot maintain six feet of physical distance in public areas or work centers.

  • Air Force releases guidance on use of cloth face covers

    To the extent practical, without significantly impacting mission, all individuals on Department of the Air Force property, installations and facilities are required to wear cloth face coverings when they cannot maintain six feet of physical distance in public areas or work centers.

  • Air Force officials announce tour length changes

    The tour length reduction from four to three years for military training instructors, military training leaders, Air Education and Training Command technical training instructors with prefix “T”, “J”, or “X” and stateside professional military education instructors was announced July 1, renewing the