Wing looking for best, brightest to fill first sergeant role Published June 5, 2009 By Col. Randal L. Bright 512th Airlift Wing commander DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. -- As Air Force Reserve members we all make a difference. And, some jobs, such as a first sergeant, allow individuals to impact other Airmen's lives on many levels--as so profoundly stated in the first sergeant's creed. "I am a first sergeant. My job is people. Everyone is my business. I dedicate my time and energy to their needs; their health, morale, discipline, and welfare. I grow in strength by strengthening my people. My job is done in faith; my people build faith. My job is people - Everyone is my business." Our wing has a need for some outstanding senior noncommissioned officers who are willing to take on a key position outside of their career field where they can lead, inspire and mentor our Airmen. As a commander, I rely on first sergeants for advice on enlisted matters to include the safety, health and morale of all enlisted Airmen and their families. They also assist me with matters such as discipline, mentoring, career progression, recognition and professional development of our Airmen. Not just anyone can fill the vital role of first sergeant. To be considered, members must have a passing score on their fitness assessment; have no negative quality-force indicators; be an E-7 upon attendance at the First Sergeant Academy; complete Senior NCO Academy by correspondence or in-residence; and, have the ability to clearly and effectively communicate. Qualified technical sergeants, who meet the above criteria and are immediately eligible to be promoted to master sergeant, should consider this career broadening opportunity. For our wing to excel at accomplishing the mission, we need people who are willing to take on this challenge. Our command chief, Chief Master Sgt. William T. Wild III, is responsible for the selection and approval process and will chair the next first sergeant selection board this fall. If you are interested in this special duty, start your application packages now, so you won't be overlooked for this highly recommended special duty. Wing members can contact Staff Sgt. Jessie Hatch, who works in the 512th Mission Support Squadron Personnel Employment section, for information on application and board requirements. She can be reached at (302) 677-3512. Have a safe and productive UTA; and, I thank all of you for the service you provide for our nation. I am honored to be your commander.