October 2024 promotions announced

  • Published
  • By 512th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The 512th Airlift Wing congratulates the following Reserve Citizen Airmen who were selected for promotion in October 2024. 



Kalfani Gordon, 712th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron


Airman First Class

Aedan Howe, 512th Maintenance Squadron

Anisa Wallace, 71st Aerial Port Squadron


Senior Airman

Miki Appah, 512th Memorial Affairs Squadron

Phonepasong Bangthrongsack, 71st APS

Dhani Costonlundi, 512th MXS

Nathan Nanji, 46th Aerial Port Squadron

Lucas Richard, 709th Airlift Squadron


Staff Sergeant

Eder Abad, 512th Security Forces Squadron

Jordan Beacham, 512th SFS

Morgan King, 512th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

Lidia Marroquin, 709th AS

Hirshesh Patel, 512th AMXS

Avery Zepeda Maldonado, 512th MXS


Technical Sergeant

Quentin Burton, 512th Aerospace Medicine Squadron

Jacob Curry, 512th MXS

Vernon Gary, 512th SFS

Krystal Harbaugh, 512th Airlift Wing

Erik Johnson, 709th AS

Tyrell Mallory, 712th AMXS

Charles Martinez, 71st APS

Stephen Oliver, 712th AMXS


Master Sergeant

Bogumil Bazyluk, 512th MXS

Aric Jackson, 71st APS

Tyler MCPhail, 512th Contingency Response Squadron


Supplemental Promotions from Previous Months:



Jodi Francis, 512th MAS