DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. -- Everyone experiences stress at some point in their life. Sometimes that stress happens while at work.
If it does, the 512th Airlift Wing now has a newly constructed resilience room known as The Zen Zone and has been available for use since Aug. 5.
“The Zen Zone is a place where Airmen and civilians can go when they need to reset from the daily stressors of work and life,” said Maj. Michelle Rogers, 436th AW Military and Family Readiness Center director, and former 512th Force Support Squadron commander, Dover Air Force Base, Delaware. “We wanted to create a safe space for individuals to decompress and relax when under stress.”
In addition to mental and spiritual fitness being two of the four pillars of Comprehensive Airman Fitness, developing resilient Airmen is also a Liberty Wing priority.
“We, as Airmen, need to be spiritually resilient and ready to accomplish the mission,” said Capt. Yury Volkovinsky, a 512th AW staff chaplain. “Resilient people perform better, are better able to adapt to change, and recover from stress more easily. They are also better equipped to respond to new opportunities or risks.”
According to Merriam-Webster, the term Zen is often associated with meditative calmness and an attitude of acceptance.
“Zen means peaceful and calm,” said Volkovinsky. “We would like our Zen Zone to be the place where Airmen can experience a calm peacefulness.”
The Zen Zone was a joint project created by the 512th MFRC, the 512th force support and the 512th civil engineer squadrons. The 512th MFRC provided the amenities in the room, the 512th FSS created the name and coordinated the project, and the 512th CES overhauled the space.
“The Zen Zone features a top of the line massage chair, tranquil wall art and an aromatherapy machine with options to add scents like lavender, lemongrass, sweet orange or rosemary,” said Rogers. “There’s also a sound machine with multiple options to aid in relaxation.
The room can help increase self-awareness and reduce negative emotions,” she added. “It can also be used as a quiet place to simply recharge. Many scientific studies show that sometimes the brain just needs a break.”
Wing members can sign up to use The Zen Zone, located within the 512th AW’s Chaplain’s Office in Building 202, Room 129.
During the week, the entry key can be found at the 512th Force Support Squadron’s Customer Support Section, Room 120. However, a key is not required during unit training assembly weekends.
In consideration for others, a maximum of 30 minutes is the recommended time for use.
“We ask so much of our Airmen and civilians on a day-to-day basis,” said Rogers. “This room is a small gesture to let our people know we truly care about their mental health and overall well-being.”