Base reporting instructions for Jan 3

  • Published
  • 512th Airlift Wing

Dover Air Force Base reporting instructions for Jan. 3, 2022. 

Due to predicted heavy snow accumulation, the 436th Airlift Wing vice wing commander has directed that only emergency essential and mission essential level 1 personnel report to duty on Monday, 3 Jan. If you are not MEL 1 personnel and you were scheduled to work, please maximize telework or use weather and safety leave if you are not prepared for telework. Liberal leave is also authorized. Proceed with caution if you are required to report for duty. The roadways/walkways are expected to be icy.

Reminder, tomorrow is an AFRC Family Day, coordinate liberal leave through supervision. The north gate, CDC and the Youth Center already have planned closures for tomorrow.

The MTF will be closed. The ambulance response team will remain active. Public Health will only be offering limited COVID-19 testing during this time period. Please contact the 24/7 nurse advice line if you suspect you have COVID-19.