AFMES breaks ground for $3.4M warehouse addition, alteration

  • Published
  • By Roland Balik
  • 436th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The Armed Forces Medical Examiner System held a groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a new, $3.4 million warehouse addition and alteration to the existing AFMES building January 26, 2021.

The Armed Forces Medical Examiner System provides the Department of Defense and other federal agencies with comprehensive forensic investigative services, to include forensic pathology, DNA forensics, forensic toxicology and medical mortality surveillance.

The 2,500-square-foot warehouse addition and the renovation of the existing 3,300-square-foot logistics general storage warehouse not only increases capacity but also functionality.

“Ten years ago, AFMES began its move to Dover AFB and its new facility, only to quickly realize a tremendous lack of appropriate storage space,” said Col. Alice Briones, Armed Force Medical Examiner System director. “This led to the need for a true ‘warehouse’ [with] all [of] the appropriate storage needed for the capacity of this mission.”

The project was programmed and funded by the Defense Health Agency, the joint, integrated Combat Support Agency to which AFMES belongs. This construction was included under DHA’s Fiscal Year 2018 Department of Defense Medical Unspecified Minor Military Construction program.

The $3.4 million contract was awarded on July 8, 2020, and is projected to be completed by February 2022. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Philadelphia District, is the design and construction agent for the contract.

“The facility shall be constructed for a 25-year life prior to any major renovations being needed and for a 50-year replacement life cycle,” said Lt. Col. David Park, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District commander.

Attending members who helped break ground for the new warehouse included Lauren Gutierrez, representative for Sen. Thomas Carper; Kate Rohrer, representative for Sen. Chris Coons; Col. Alice Briones, Armed Force Medical Examiner System director; Col. Matthew Jones, 436th Airlift Wing commander; Lt. Col. David Park, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Philadelphia District commander; Kurk Walton, Kimball Construction Company chief operating officer; Mark Vojtecky, AFMES chief of staff; and Cmdr. Scott Rossi, Defense Health Agency chief of design, construction and activation.