DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. -- Alexia Jordan, daughter of 436th Contracting Squadron superintendent Senior Master Sgt. Andrea Jordan, was recently recognized as the Delaware Military Youth of the Year as well as the Northeast Military Youth of the Year by the Boys & Girls Club of America.
The Youth of the Year program was established in 1947 by the BGCA. The program celebrates young people, from ages 14 to 18, for their commitment to community service, academic success, good character and citizenship. In 2013, the BGCA introduced the Military Youth of the Year as a distinct category in the Youth of the Year program to recognize outstanding teens served by BGCA-affiliated youth centers on U.S. military installations worldwide.
Alexia Jordan was awarded a $5000 scholarship from the Boys & Girls club at Dover AFB. The competition includes an essay-writing portion, covering topics such as how the participant overcame adversity, benefitted from the club and addressed the unique aspects of military family life. There is also a speech category and an interview by a panel of judges. This year, due to COVID-19, participants accomplished all speeches and interviews via webchat.
After winning locally, Jordan moved on to the state-level competition, followed by the regional and, finally, the national competition.
“It was good being able to meet youth from all across the country. I was happy to be part of it,” Jordan said.
At state, regional and national competitions, finalists have the opportunity to compete for awards in special categories like best GPA, best essay, best speech and best interview. Although Jordan did not win the national title, she has been awarded a total of $27,500 in scholarship funds for her performances at the local, state and regional levels. She has also won a gaming computer, a $500 gift card and a $200 prize for highest GPA at the state competition.
“I’m pretty excited about my awards,” Jordan said. “I’m a console gamer, so winning the gaming computer was awesome.”
Jordan is a senior at Caesar Rodney High School. She enjoys skateboarding, playing video games and playing basketball. Dover AFB is the fourth base she has lived on. Since not all bases have schools, in the past, Jordan had to attend school off base and a youth center on base while her mom was at work. Socially, this created a gap between her daytime friend group and her after-school friend group. Alexia Jordan has advice for other military youth in similar situations and those feeling the frustration associated with having to move so often.
“Reach out early and often,” said Jordan. “Somebody out there will understand you.”
Jordan has a short list of colleges in mind and plans to make her final school decision very soon. Her goal is to play basketball in college and study exercise science.
Col. Phelemon Williams, 436th Mission Support Group commander, personally congratulated Jordan and presented her with a challenge coin in recognition of her accomplishments.
“Alexia is truly an exceptional young woman, and we are so proud of her success,” said Williams. “We are honored to have Alexia and her mother as part of the Dover family. Her hard work and dedication to service and leadership is a beacon for all Team Dover youth to follow.”