DOVE AIR FORCE BASE, Del. -- 512th Family,
As we approach our regularly scheduled unit training assembly in July, we are attempting to have as normal a UTA as we possibly can.
I realize a few of you live in the remaining three states with a Department of Defense travel ban. If you live in Florida, Michigan or California, please coordinate your July UTA with your chain of command. Additionally, if you’re impacted by a statewide measure or have a situation which prevents you from attending in person, please let your supervision know.
Before traveling to Dover, I ask that you do your part in helping keep our 512th Family healthy. Please conduct a self-assessment of any symptoms you may be experiencing. The CDC website has a Coronavirus self-checker feature with recommendations. If needed, stay home and let your supervisor know. We need to do everything we can to prevent any COVID-19 spikes here on base. As a reminder, remember to bring a mask with you. We do have some to issue for wear while in uniform.
Once you’re here, we all have to comply with social distancing guidelines, which include staying 6-feet apart when possible and wearing a mask when it’s not possible. I know we haven’t seen each other in some time, and it’s going to feel like a reunion, a big FAMILY reunion, but for everyone’s safety, let’s not congregate unnecessarily. I encourage respectful reminders for those not practicing social distancing.
I also ask for your patience. While we’ve been able to accomplish many tasks virtually, some wing functions, such as medical and customer service, now have a back log in appointments. Do what you can, and know we’ll all get caught up in due time.
Should any new pandemic guidance affect any of the above, I’ll be sure to push an update.
Take Care, and I look forward to seeing you during the UTA.