DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. -- 512th Family,
I would like to follow Lt. Gen. Scobee’s eloquent statement by emphasizing our own wing’s vision which, I believe, encapsulates what we should all continually strive to be to one another -- a FAMILY, fully dedicated to each other. A family genuinely loves and cares for its members and, most importantly, we must always strive to treat each other with complete dignity and respect.
To do that, we must always bear in mind that our brother or sister has often had different life experiences and faced challenges that perhaps we, ourselves, haven’t experienced or faced. He or she may see the world from a perspective that we perhaps cannot fully comprehend, not having walked in their shoes. And to personify genuine caring, we must be willing to do our utmost to lay aside our own biases and prejudices (for we all have them,) listen to their story with an open, unjudging mind, and strive to see the world – if just for a moment – through their eyes.
Only then can we truly give to one another the genuine love, care, dignity and respect that EVERYONE in our 512th Family so richly deserves. Moreover, my sincerest desire is that every member of this wing feels themselves a full member of this family and rests assured that no matter where you are or what you’re going through, this family is always here for you as a shelter in any storm.
You can always come to your 512th Family with any issue whatsoever and know, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you will be heard and genuinely cared for, with all of the understanding, dignity and respect that only a truly loving family can give.
I thank you for all that you do from the bottom of my heart, and I am truly proud to serve alongside all of you.
Col. Gregory P. Haynes
512th Airlift Wing
512th Family,
For the past several days, it has been difficult to turn on the television only to see people crying, hurting and filled with anger. With a heavy heart, I cannot bear to watch it anymore. What we have done for so many years since 9/11 brought us together, recent waves of violence has now separated us once again. I want to emphasize that the 512th Family will not be separated. We are committed to working towards equity within our Wing.
With everything going on, in whatever way you are feeling, know that you are not alone. We are here for you. Please feel free to speak up. Let’s talk. Let’s listen. The environment that we have created for you is a safe environment. Keep in mind, I’m not going to be naïve that inequality and injustice within our nation doesn’t exist. But, what I can say, is that within our 512th Family, there is no place for racism or discrimination. This will not be tolerated.
What makes the 512th Family unique is that we are diverse and come from different walks of life. When we leave our immediate families, whether for a UTA weekend or for an Annual Tour, we join our 512th Family. We bring different experiences, different skills, knowledge and culture to the family. We join each other, we overcome obstacles and we move mountains. That’s what makes our Family special.
You all have opened your arms to me as your command chief. It is my turn to do the same. Thank you for everything you continue to do. I’ve had the privilege of reaching out to many of you and getting to know you. Thank you for accepting my phone call, text and email. Please let me know what I can do to make things easier and safer, continuing the 512th Family tradition.
Together, we will overcome these challenging times.
Stay safe, strong and positive.
Your Command Chief
CMSgt Edward A. Ramirez
Command Chief
512th Airlift Wing